Elizabeth Millar


2009年よりモントリオール在住。2014年よりLori Freedmanに師事。フリー・インプロヴィゼーション、ノイズ・ミュージック、現代音楽、クレズマーなどを演奏する。Joane Hetu、Jean Derome、John Oswald、Yves Charuest、Anne-F Jacques、Philipe Lauzier、Ian Birse and Laura Kavanaugh (Instant Places)他と共演。

Elizabeth Millar is an Australian clarinetist and improviser. Originally from Perth, Western Australia, Millar has been living in Montreal since 2009. Between 2014 and 2017 Millar studied with renowned improvisor and performer Lori Freedman.
Engaging with free improvisation, noise music, contemporary classical repertoire and klezmer, her creative work explores the merging of acoustic and electronic textures with amplification and extended techniques.
Recent notable performances include : the Obey Contemporary Music Festival Halifax, Pop Montreal Festival and concerts in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Australia with her noise duo Sound of the Mountain; the Acousma Electroacoustics Festival and Journées de la Culture at the Montreal Contemporary Art Museum with the Concordia Laptop Orchestra; the Suoni Per Il Popolo Festival Montreal.
Elizabeth Millar has collaborated with Joane Hétu, Lori Freedman, Jean Derome, John Oswald, Craig Pedersen, Yves Charuest, Anne-F Jacques, Philipe Lauzier, Ian Birse and Laura Kavanaugh (Instant Places).

Elizabeth Millar